Simple and Successful Investing: I Did It and You Can Too! December 5, 2022NathanCovers7 Comments Simple and Successful Investing: I Did It and You Can Too! Seems legit. BOO-ring bulletin board layout credit where credit is due Previous postSapiens Rex Next postThe Children at the End of the World
The only thing that would make this cover better is if we added an “MFA” to that list of degrees.
Sequel to Stephen Colbert’s “I Am America and So Can You”?
Dear Cover Designer–that is not how tracking is meant to work, pal.
if he’s so successful why couldn’t he pay for a good cover?
looks like a scam to me
If get rich quick schemes work, why do they always need to sell the scheme?
See, that’s the scheme: come up with an idea, then get a bunch of idiots to pay you for it. Sure beats risking your own money in some hare-brained investments!
Upvote for hare-brained and not hair-brained.