The image looks to be of such low resolution that it had to be small to maintain a bit of clarity. Of course, that is giving the cover designer credit for understanding the relation between DPI and image size.
Even if it was a high-quality image, the cards and the bird make it look extra wonky to me.
I actually like the cards and bird part of it, since they suggest this is a vampire with stage magic. That could be cool, and it’s more interesting than a generic guy in gloomy clothing. Imagine the guy passing off real vampire powers as fake tricks.
That image has been around a Loooong time. Just Tineye it.
I’ve seen one–one–remotely decent copy of it that has viable resolution. (And even then, it’s in the hundreds of pixels on a side, not thousands!)
Any copyrights to it have been lost in time–and I don’t mean, that makes it okay to use. I just mean it’s been used, re-used, recycled, it’s on book covers in its crappy resolution self…it’s a shame b/c the image has some legs.
Sad, really.
2 years ago
Sounds like a neat idea for a vampire book. Too bad about the cover ):
The image would be OK if it weren’t reduced to a tiny centerpiece! Although I’d also change the title to just “The Blind Vampire”.
The image looks to be of such low resolution that it had to be small to maintain a bit of clarity. Of course, that is giving the cover designer credit for understanding the relation between DPI and image size.
Even if it was a high-quality image, the cards and the bird make it look extra wonky to me.
I actually like the cards and bird part of it, since they suggest this is a vampire with stage magic. That could be cool, and it’s more interesting than a generic guy in gloomy clothing. Imagine the guy passing off real vampire powers as fake tricks.
Or how about The Blind Vampire, book one of: Marcus the time immortal.
That image has been around a Loooong time. Just Tineye it.
I’ve seen one–one–remotely decent copy of it that has viable resolution. (And even then, it’s in the hundreds of pixels on a side, not thousands!)
Any copyrights to it have been lost in time–and I don’t mean, that makes it okay to use. I just mean it’s been used, re-used, recycled, it’s on book covers in its crappy resolution self…it’s a shame b/c the image has some legs.
Sad, really.
Sounds like a neat idea for a vampire book. Too bad about the cover ):
Yes, you are right.
Marcus the Blind Vampire also appears to moonlight as Slash in Motley Crue.