The Gospel According to St Judas
“Hey, look, Simon! Someone added a poorly composited title over our heads in this old Sunday School art!”
The Gospel According to St Judas
“Hey, look, Simon! Someone added a poorly composited title over our heads in this old Sunday School art!”
“Simon, get real. Ain’t nobody gonna believe that those are pipes and not a flask, bro.”
Simon sez “Drink up!”
Ooooh, nice one….
I read that as “a poorly composted title”. Which also works.
While there is a supposed 2nd century gnostic gospel of Judas, Judas Iscariot is not a saint. You know, because of that whole betrayal and suicide thing.
Jesus wept… at this cover design.
He’s the patron saint of lost causes, e.g., this book cover.
Also not to be confused with the other Judas.
Looks like this designer . . .
*puts on shades*
Had another thing comin’.