Elementality or The Philosophy of Carbon: Emergence September 22, 2022NathanCovers8 Comments Elementality or The Philosophy of Carbon: Emergence I can only pray that the author/artist is in junior high. (h/t Ian) art for a refrigerator readability Previous postPoltergeist – The Night Side of Physics Next postThe Fires of Treason
There’s certainly a lot of detail.
Dude, lay off the (real) Absinthe.
The dude with the sword is quite the narcissist.
One might say he has a big head.
Because nothng says ‘professional cover art’ like the medium of felt-tip pen!
I did not know Henry Darger was still taking on assignments.
I legit thought it said “ERMAHGERD” at the bottom there. XD
It may as well, by the time someone tries to read it!