The Days Are Evil! The Time Is Short! Be Saved From This Perverse Generation!

The Days Are Evil! The Time Is Short! Be Saved From This Perverse Generation!

Sir, have you seen a book cover before?

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2 years ago

It’s like he had 3 ideas for a book title, but couldn’t decide which was best, so he used them all.

2 years ago

Look, if you expect everyone who makes a book to have seen a book, we’re going to be here all day.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

“Sir, have you seen a book cover before?”

Ought to be an official tag.

2 years ago

It could work as box art for a video game though – I feel it almost has a 1980s computer game vibe!

2 years ago

I bet Roger is a blast at parties.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

This reminds me of one of our local idiots who defaced his pickup with flat Earth nonsense, including “N.A.S.A. knows U.R. stupid”. Oh, the irony.

2 years ago

This one could have the Politically-incorrect “Cover designed by Stevie Wonder” tag….(now, everybody wait for me to be cancelled…)

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

You’re supposed to create your book cover before shoving a red-hot barbecue fork in your eyes.

2 years ago

AH, that must be the reason!