Baron of Clubs: Regency Romance (Lords of Scandal Book 19)

Baron of Clubs: Regency Romance (Lords of Scandal Book 19)

Oh. Come. ON.

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2 years ago

Nothing sexier than that “I’m dead inside; maybe outside too” look on whoever’s face got pasted on here.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

What the hell? That is neither Castor Troy nor Sean Archer. I want my money back.

2 years ago

“I don’t really like girls, but for enough money, I’ll fake it.”

2 years ago

I think the body part of the image is licensed from Period Images, which specialize in “historical” costume photos for book covers. I know it’s not the historical inaccuracies that landed this cover here, but they’re what’s annoying me the most.

2 years ago
Reply to  Syd

I’d love to see that hair cut in the 1700’s. Just LUV to see it.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

It’s cute that you think these authors put effort into their stories.

2 years ago

Um, @LBC Participant: sorry what gave you that impression? That a thought like that had ever–ever–crossed my wee mnd?

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

1811-1820 (considering how many romance books are set in the Regency period you’d think it had lasted longer) but while yes, short hair for men was in, that’s the only thing remotely similar. Also nobles didn’t shave their chests or go to the gym. And that shirt style didn’t come around until the 1890s.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Syd