Thiaoouba Prophecy: The Golden Planet. (Abduction to the 9th Planet): A true report by the Author who was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to another planet

Thiaoouba Prophecy: The Golden Planet. (Abduction to the 9th Planet): A true report by the Author who was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to another planet

It’s like the text was laid out in complete ignorance of the photograph.

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2 years ago

The Body Thetans would have taught proper cover layout, unlike those Thiaooubas!

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

Whatever you do, don’t cover up all that empty space.
The $hit people make up for attention and money is hilarious.

Last edited 2 years ago by LBC Participant
2 years ago

Thank goodness he made it back at a time when self-publishing was widely available and barrier-free.

charles cassady
charles cassady
2 years ago

You would think if the ninth planet were made of gold they could afford to hire Chip Kidd for the layout.

2 years ago

Good point! Though I’m getting a “Plan 9 from Outer Space” vibe from this cover.

2 years ago

Is a Thigh-a-Boo-ba some sort of play on body parts (of females, largely)? I mean, for crying out loud.

2 years ago

“The aliens planned to take me to Pluto, but then they redirected the flight to Thiaoouba for some kind of bureaucratic reason.”

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

At least it wasn’t Uranus