In this eggsagerated system it’s impossible to ovoid falling into an elliptical orbit. Only a hard-boiled astronaut can avoid cracking under the pressure and having their mind scrambled…
They must maintain a firm grip on the yolk so their ship won’t get fried.
Welcome to the eggiverse. Sheesh!
In this eggsagerated system it’s impossible to ovoid falling into an elliptical orbit. Only a hard-boiled astronaut can avoid cracking under the pressure and having their mind scrambled…
They must maintain a firm grip on the yolk so their ship won’t get fried.
What an eggstraordinary observation that went over easy.
I figured it’s time to come out of my shell.
What sort of nefarious plan are you hatching, @LBC?
I’m too chicken to say until I finish laying the groundwork.
You’ve obviously been cooped up for too long….
Hence my fowl disposition. Not to worry, I’ll manage to pullet it out in the end.
Somehow the one you posted isn’t the worst cover…because there’s another one
Well, so much for saving that for later…
Come on, Smoppet – Nathan has just this *one* job! 🙂
Nice job on the egg puns, everyone! Now we just need a Dalek to EGGS-Terminate this cover!
Oh, yolk, yolk, yolk, you are SO funny…