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2 years ago

One time I was doing an illustration that featured a jigsaw puzzle and I worked over an hour on just the puzzle portion of the illustration even though it was but a tiny part of the picture. Fucking lazy this is.

2 years ago

I don’t know if i would call it too easy. It’s a bit of a puzzler

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

As a mockup/concept drawing, it wasn’t bad at all. Too bad that they lacked the budget to execute on it. Truly.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

$10 for an 88 page Kindle book with this cover. As if it isn’t impossible enough to build an audience.
Assuming the puzzle piece and image are relevant, an actual photo or illustration of the subject mostly formed by the assembly of several puzzle pieces with the others lying in the background could work.