Always Play the Dark Horse (A Jessica Minton Mystery Book 3) July 19, 2022NathanCovers7 Comments Always Play the Dark Horse (A Jessica Minton Mystery Book 3) More dark, please. art for a refrigerator mismatched art styles Previous postHighlander’s Hunted Maid: A Steamy Scottish Medieval Historical Romance (Highlands’ Partners in Crime) Next postHeart of the Cottage Court Motel: Sometimes…especially when least expected…love is simply meant to be.
Some nostalgia points for the faint trace-paper echo of Jane Russell in The Outlaw…None of you are remotely old enough to know what I’m going on about, right?
Of course I–and others know–exactly what you’re talking about. Howard Hughes, one well-endowed actress–and a bra!
Oh, we remember Jane Russel in The Outlaw. Her performance and publicity photos were quite titillating.
Yes, she and the girls played quite a prominent role….
The supporting cast did give uplifting performances.
That’s a structurally sound observation….
You mean always bet on black