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2 years ago

Holy mother of God. I honestly don’t know what’s the worst thing here. That some (I pray, fictional) character exists, that’s this demented and some authors think we’d actually want to read about her, or that (gods above forbid) this child really does exist, and ditto; or…wow.

Speechless, for a change.

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
2 years ago

Nutmeg may get psychoactive if eaten too much, I thinks this is the key here.

Mark B Wilson
2 years ago

My Name Is Nutmeg She Screamed sounds like Lovecraftian My Little Pony fanfiction

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark B Wilson

You forgot the most important word–psychotic. Lovecraftian Psychotic My Little Pony fanfic. Or, possibly, Psychotic Lovecraftian My Little Pony Fanfiction.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

Are they trying to sound like Harlan Ellison?

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Maybe a little PKD for good measure.

2 years ago

This is a story about the shitty foster care system dealing with a child who possibly has a disorder and like…what the fuck were they thinking with this cover???