The Bike: Part1 of the Pocket Money Trilogy July 11, 2022NathanCovers5 Comments The Bike: Part1 of the Pocket Money Trilogy Well, there it is. bad font choice filteriffic layout woes readability text and more text Previous postSongbird Next postCutt 5 – Commitment
Nathan, remind me–I did say that I was not going to do that snarky “deee-ziner” thing and make fun of overused fonts, didn’t I???? Well, crap (Algerian, cough)…
My Algerian-triggered hives are breaking out again.
That’s Allergerian.
I sent this to my friend who got into a crash on their bike. They disagreed about these the cover’s statement LMFAO
So it’s a sequel to The Car, but 50% as good.