The author had an artist do this and this was the style she went with?? I understand having childlike drawings if your story is told by a child, but holy shit.
Yeah, I hate to say it, but this one is pretty bad. And it doesn’t look/feel as though a kid drew it, either, which always gets some leeway with me (although not the adult involved, who should have had better judgment).
2 years ago
Parents, please do not put your children’s work up for sale on Amazon. They will thank you for that later.
LBC Participant
2 years ago
It’d make more sense if the author’s name was Charly.
The author had an artist do this and this was the style she went with?? I understand having childlike drawings if your story is told by a child, but holy shit.
Yeah, I hate to say it, but this one is pretty bad. And it doesn’t look/feel as though a kid drew it, either, which always gets some leeway with me (although not the adult involved, who should have had better judgment).
Parents, please do not put your children’s work up for sale on Amazon. They will thank you for that later.
It’d make more sense if the author’s name was Charly.