Dissecting Secrets

Dissecting Secrets

Apparently Wolfie has his own light source.

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2 years ago

That’s because Wolfie was (or should be) promoted to sainthood, for putting up with all those lousy covers he’s been subjected to!!

Another Bob
Another Bob
2 years ago

Pet peeve time. I don’t know what that title font is, and maybe it’s just the background it is on, but it bugs me. It looks (to me) as if the letters are not all on the same base line. They are, I checked, but my eye keeps insisting they are not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Another Bob

The leading is too tight and it’s causing that optical illusion. On both the title and the byline–they both suffer from it.

Your eye “sees” that the descender in the lower-case “g,” in “Dissecting” would clearly interfere (run into) the full height upper-case “S” in Secrets, or the ascender in the lower-case “t” in secrets and it tells you “that ain’t right.” And it’s not right, because you couldn’t have those on a typeset page, that went further than those two words. So it really starts tweaking up your eye/brain, saying “hey, those letters are on bad baselines,” which isn’t the case, but the issue is just as bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Another Bob

> It looks (to me) as if the letters are not all on the same base line. They are, I checked, but my eye keeps insisting they are not.

That’s a good description of the problem:  The letters shouldn’t sit “on” the baseline like that. The characters with rounded bottoms (S,c,e,t, etc.) should extend slightly below the baseline so they don’t look like they are levitating. Additionally, the clumsy ‘c’ looks like it was stolen from a different font.