ADMIN: The new theme, yea or nay?

As you’ve no doubt noticed, I’m still noodling with themes for the site.  What do y’all think of this one?

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2 years ago

I like having the ‘# of comments’ indicator at the bottom, and for the tags to be visible on the main scrolling page. It’s a clean look, though.

Mark B Wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Same. Clean good, but it would be nice to still have the tags on the feed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Second most of this. I did eventually find the number of comments, but it feels hidden. I definitely miss the tags on the main page.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Agreed. Took ages to find the # of comments, and now I have to scroll past them to see the cover and then back up to click and go to the comments.

Another Bob
Another Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I’ll second preferring having the comments indicator at the bottom rather than having to scroll back up. Also, I thought the tags were just gone. Once on the comments page I generally do not scroll back up to look at the cover again, so I was missing them completely. And I do mean missing them.

2 years ago

I mostly like it. Very clean and stylish. I like the icon for comments rather than just “3 comments”.

I do wish the tags were listed on the main page, though. They sometimes help me see just what is wrong with a cover, in borderline cases where it’s not great but doesn’t look all *that* bad to my eye. Having to click on each individual entry to see them is a pain.

2 years ago

The location of that # of comments bubble (next to the headline) reminded me that I’ve long thought that knowing the book title up front sort of deprives me of the full sensory experience of seeing the cover for the first time. There’s just no suspense trying to figure out what the title might be (by reading it from the cover) and then comparing my guess with the title that’s repeated below the cover.

Maybe the headline size title could be replaced by a separator line or an asterism or something so the eye gets a little reprieve before being subjected to further stimulation.

2 years ago


  • ten posts per page instead of five,
  • the return of the tags list,
  • comment counts and tags back at the bottom of the individual posts on the main page where they belong.


  • there’s quite a delay before some hyperlinks are clickable for some reason,
  • displayed covers are too tall to be seen in their entirety on my laptop’s 1280X800 display,
  • the main page’s overall color scheme is—argh!—still too blindingly bright.


  • that drop-down page header and those pop-up page footers are rather annoying,
  • that tags list should probably be further down the sidebar; most of us would probably prefer to see the recent comments and most popular posts first,
  • something aesthetically dividing the individual posts from each other would be nice; right now, they’re all floating together on the same big blank white void like prisoners in the prison room in THX-1138.
2 years ago
Reply to  RK@HM

YES on the dividers. I find it really distracting not to have them, or something, anything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it…

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Do they have any themes with a zipper motif?

2 years ago
Reply to  red


2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

(O the ironing…)

2 years ago

(In case you’re still checking these). I’m not sure I like when the book link takes you directly the ‘look inside’ preview on Amazon. I’d rather it just go to the book’s main Amazon page. I need that baby step before possibly easing behind the cover, for my sanity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

It does it every time, Nathan. Has for a while now, but honestly, I couldn’t tell you when that happened.