Bonnie Bhoneena: Talaveen Switchback

Bonnie Bhoneena: Talaveen Switchback

Make up your own jokes, because I’m weeping. (h/t Ron)

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2 years ago

Okay Nathen since you asked. I don’t need to make a joke because the cover is one big one that I’m laughing at.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Same here Hitch! It does seem like this could be part of a trippy music video, kind of like “Total Eclipse of the Heart” (I love the song, but the video is like whaaaaa?)

2 years ago

What’s that, girl? Timmy’s a shopping cart? A medieval knight is approaching? Your mate in fancy dress is going to get a lance in the arse? BhoneenabTalaveen? Shit, why am I talking to a dog, that don’t make no sense.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marc
2 years ago

Does anyone, anyone at all, have any idea what the hell the title actually is?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan


(P.S. Nathan–I’m going to disengage from that other discussion on this site. It’s not going anywhere and it’s just aggro. FYI.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I try. My own crew says that I invest too much time in the unteachable and the unwilling, but somewhere inside me is this optimist that persists in thinking “If I just explain it this way, maybe, ONE MORE TIME, they’ll get it!”

She’s (my inner optimist, for clarity) stoopid and I have to b*tch-slap her into submission often–like right now with this ridiculous other convo. That’s all. I have trouble forcing myself to believe that not all beings are teachable. {shrug}. That’s all. Persistent cuss.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Obviously it’s Paul Hutchings: Bonnie Bhoneena, by author Talaveen Switchback.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Kill. Me. Now.

2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by RK@HM
2 years ago

Okay, here’s my stab at a blurb for this cover:
“When their romance began to turn stale, Fido thought he could smarten himself up and take Lassie shopping – but little did he know that her wish for ‘A knight in shining armour’ was going to bring a whole world of trouble!”

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
2 years ago

I’ve seen shopping carts stranded in many different places, impaled on a traffic sign or thrown into a detention basin, but here’s the first time I see one someone has left on a book cover.