Wizards, Woods and Gods: Short Stories

Wizards, Woods and Gods: Short Stories

I do not deny that quite a bit of effort was put into this illustration. However.

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2 years ago

Well it gets an A for effort. But an F on the part where it matters.

2 years ago

About the best one can say for such efforts is they keep your cover from winning a Lousy Award on here. (Those awards are reserved for truly hideous covers where the designers clearly weren’t even trying.)

2 years ago
Reply to  RK@HM

Disagree. Winning a Lousy requires a lot of effort and some serious anti-talent. A no-effort, “I’ll just make the cover a blue square,” rarely takes home the trophy. Winning requires you create something so awful that even the commentators at LBC want to run away and hide under a blanket while muttering, “Can’t sleep, cover will eat me…”

Charles Cassady Jr.
Charles Cassady Jr.
2 years ago

Wizards Woods & Gods would make a whack name for a law firm.