Book Two The Music Man: Other Dimensions March 13, 2022NathanCovers8 Comments Book Two The Music Man: Other Dimensions I think we call that dimension “Hell.” art for a refrigerator cut and paste Mystery Meat Previous postSuccessful Business Networking Online: Build your Business using Powerful Online Connections Next postVile Press Presents: Horrendous Tales (Volume I)
“We ‘ve got trouble, my friend. Trouble right here in Alternate Universe River City!”
Isn’t there another book in this series, that has been featured here? Or am I hallucinating from yet another LBC OD (overdose)?
Not mutually exclusive, but yet, Book 1 has graced our pages:
Ye gods, no wonder I remember it….what was I thinking?
In 1992 I had a very bad car wreck, was in a coma for 3 months.
I had no memory of the wreck or the week preceeding it even.
The therapist explained to me that the mind sometimes uses amnesia to protect us from remembering overwhelming horrors.
Dang, brother, I’m sorry to hear that, but yes, that could explain it….selective protective amnesia.
What the second 2nd dimension?
Diana Ross, approaching menacingly, with a violin. It’s a classic science-fiction trope.