I would have tagged this “Death by Infonticide,” but the reality is, this thing is murdered, over and over, by every damned aspect, long before they go to the 5 mismatched fonts….
LBC Participant
2 years ago
If I shake my head the appropriate amount I will need an exorcist (and a bowl of pea soup).
No incest! No bestiality! Coveralls over nakedness!
This cover reeks of high standards in publishing.
Is it me, or do the disclaimers for this sort of…material…mean that the target market for this won’t, in fact, read it????
I would have tagged this “Death by Infonticide,” but the reality is, this thing is murdered, over and over, by every damned aspect, long before they go to the 5 mismatched fonts….
If I shake my head the appropriate amount I will need an exorcist (and a bowl of pea soup).
Uuugg! Nope! nope! nope! đź‘Ž đź‘Ž đź‘Ž