A Gary Larson Far Side mash-up–take 3 rejected panels, 1 rejected caption and moooosh it together–and then, for the sake of torture, hand-draw in the crooked checkerboard flooring. Perfect!
2 years ago
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…
This is not what I asked for,
No, not at all!!!
It is like all the Gary Larson Far Side panels that were either not good enough to be published or never got a punchline, rolled into one.
A Gary Larson Far Side mash-up–take 3 rejected panels, 1 rejected caption and moooosh it together–and then, for the sake of torture, hand-draw in the crooked checkerboard flooring. Perfect!
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…
This is not what I asked for,
No, not at all!!!