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3 years ago

Lucida, as a foundry, you got a lot to answer for, pals.

Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

A five-part trilogy. OK.

3 years ago

Proof that there is nothing scarier in this world than an angel dressed as an ‘eighties dance instructor.

3 years ago
Reply to  LPlatePen

Hah, good catch! Maybe the angel should make a series of VHS exercise tapes – “Wings of Steel” or “Heavenly Body Basics”? My original thought on this was that the subtitle reminded me of the Chronicles of Narnia – as in, please put this in the wardrobe and lock the door, then burn the armoire to ash! I was hoping for a more obscure term than armoire, I knew that one, and my grandma used to call our couch the Davenport. I’m reading “1922” by Stephen King and I came across counterpane so I had to look that up – it’s a bedspread. Ok, now I think I’ve prattled on enough that I’ve purged this cover from my mind – I just have to make sure to close my eyes and don’t look at it, no matter what!

Charles Cassady
Charles Cassady
3 years ago

I think they caught the guards at Gitmo showing this cover to suspected Al Qaida prisoners to force them to confess; UN determined a substantial human rights violation.