OMG, please freaking tell me that this cover doesn’t have a slay/sleigh error? I mean, the damn title doesn’t make sense either way, but…a sleigh and slay?
Whoa, I didn’t even realize that when I made the comment, Hitch! I must have misread the title as “You Can’t Stay Stuck”, and not “Slay”. Quite possible – I also read “Stuck” as “Suck” – not the font’s fault that time, but my mind trying to trutherize this travesty 😛
You have to read the book blurb (or the Look Inside! preview) to understand the title and cover.
“Christmas is almost here again and I need to slay my pain, but I’m stuck ….”
You Can’t Slay Stuck
By itself it doesn’t make sense, but counting on people to be curious enough to read the blurb or preview to understand your title can get your book on Lousy Book Covers.
You’re saying that the author deliberately used “slay” and a sleigh, on the cover? So that people like me would blow right past it, assuming it was a mistake?
Yup, sheer marketing genius. And “you can’t slay stuck” is just dumb. Even in context, it makes me wrinkle my forehead. Ixnay on that title and triple-ixnay on that cover for using it.
3 years ago
Was the author drunk when they were dictating this title?
It’s a beautiful church. Covering it up with those fonts is something akin to vandalism.
Not to mention the sleigh is about to crash into it! Did Santa bail out, or is this one of those driver-less sleighs?
OMG, please freaking tell me that this cover doesn’t have a slay/sleigh error? I mean, the damn title doesn’t make sense either way, but…a sleigh and slay?
Oh, the humanity…
Whoa, I didn’t even realize that when I made the comment, Hitch! I must have misread the title as “You Can’t Stay Stuck”, and not “Slay”. Quite possible – I also read “Stuck” as “Suck” – not the font’s fault that time, but my mind trying to trutherize this travesty 😛
Homophone errors…a cover designer’s (author’s?) horror comes home to roost…
You have to read the book blurb (or the Look Inside! preview) to understand the title and cover.
“Christmas is almost here again and I need to slay my pain, but I’m stuck ….”
You Can’t Slay Stuck
By itself it doesn’t make sense, but counting on people to be curious enough to read the blurb or preview to understand your title can get your book on Lousy Book Covers.
You’re saying that the author deliberately used “slay” and a sleigh, on the cover? So that people like me would blow right past it, assuming it was a mistake?
Yup, sheer marketing genius. And “you can’t slay stuck” is just dumb. Even in context, it makes me wrinkle my forehead. Ixnay on that title and triple-ixnay on that cover for using it.
Was the author drunk when they were dictating this title?