ADMIN (STICKY): The Final Lousies Ballot!

A year’s worth of bad book covers has been whittled down by you, the discriminating viewer… and now, the final ballot of thirty-six covers!  Which three do YOU think are the worst?  Cast your votes, between now and January 29th — and on January 31st, we’ll present the Top Ten Bad Covers posted in 2021!

(Displayed in random order.)

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2 years ago

Wow… some of these covers are so terrible, you can almost smell how bad they are through right through your screen.

By the way, for next year’s awards, I recommend having all ballots be attached to one sticky post like this one; discussing what’s on the ballots is much easier if you can do it all in just one comments section.

War Goat
War Goat
2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

If there are an even number of contenders, you could maybe run it like a March Madness bracket. But that could be far too cumbersome given the number of covers involved.

2 years ago
Reply to  War Goat

Nah, I think I prefer the current “All against all” format:

“600 lousy covers enter. But only one will be crowned…the worst cover of 2021!”

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

Theme music: “The Final Countdown”

2 years ago

So much awful…so few votes.

2 years ago

I kind of wish we couldn’t see how many votes each cover has gotten when we’re voting. I feel like, no matter how hard you try not to let it influence you, it’s still liable to bias your vote.

Still great fun though. These are truly a hot mess. I wanted to vote for so many more than three.

2 years ago

In terms of criteria for picking just three, I’m torn between two categories: ‘Nightmare Fuel’ and ‘Eyeball Damage.’
I think I may need more categories.

2 years ago
Reply to  LPlatePen

Don’t forget, “Unrecoverable Emotional Trauma.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

As well as, “The human race doesn’t deserve to survive.”

2 years ago

I’m traumatized. Today is the last day to vote and I still can’t decide which are the worst! Oh, the humanity….

2 years ago

Hmm… Seems if you feel like throwing your vote away, you can vote for Shadow Cat (from October 14, 2011) to win a Lousy in the 2021 awards.