I can’t tell if this is a book about doughnuts or if that elephant next to the (castle? house? Cottage?) has split his trunk. Anybody?
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
“Tiny Tina Two Curls’ cruel stepmom put her bed out in the winter snow. When awakened by a two-horned monster rising over the head of her bed, Tina lept out in her furry cap, nightshirt and houseshoes….
Pepperland fallen on hard times. The decline may have began when Paul McCartney started writing tunes for video games.
I can’t get the lyrics out of my mind’s ear …
“When the snow lay round about
“Deepen, Krispen, Even …”
Krispen is Book 2.
I can’t tell if this is a book about doughnuts or if that elephant next to the (castle? house? Cottage?) has split his trunk. Anybody?
“Tiny Tina Two Curls’ cruel stepmom put her bed out in the winter snow. When awakened by a two-horned monster rising over the head of her bed, Tina lept out in her furry cap, nightshirt and houseshoes….
Hmm, I thought that was someone standing beside a sleigh being pulled by two horses.
Oh, damn, I guess it could be. Wow, this could be a whole viral thing, “what do YOU see?”