ADMIN: The Second Annual LOUSIES Awards!

Welcome back to another travesty of democracy!

Here’s how it works:

On each of the next twelve days, I’ll post a ballot of one month’s worth of posted covers. You may pick UP TO THREE as the worst on each month for qualifying status. (As with last year, I’ve only included the covers that got at least one comment when originally posted.)  All ballots will remain open until January 15th.

On January 16th, I’ll post Round Two, bringing those covers from each ballot together in one final ballot.

And on January 31st, I’ll post the ten worst covers posted in 2021!

January 2021 Ballot

February 2021 Ballot

March 2021 Ballot

April 2021 Ballot

May 2021 Ballot

June 2021 Ballot

July 2021 Ballot

August 2021 Ballot

September 2021 Ballot

October 2021 Ballot

November 2021 Ballot

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2 years ago

Binge-scrolling through all the nominees at one time is like seeing my entire life flash before my eyes.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

With only 3 picks, we need to look at all covers for the month, then scroll up and make their picks.