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3 years ago

I’m glad they’re make believe, I’d hate to see that brickwork in real life

3 years ago

It’s a public-domain story repackaging, so the “annotations” are probably necessary to make it fit Amazon’s standards. I will say that I went to the link expecting to be horrified, but the book itself actually seems like a good concept: making an easily accessible, searchable edition of some old children’s stories, formatting them decently, and not doing a serious money grab.

However, none of that is clear from the cover. If you looked at this and said, “I’ll bet this is a collection of 1920s children’s stories by the ‘author’ of the Bobbsie Twins,” then you’re either a psychic or a liar. If the one who put this book together finds this page, PLEASE get yourself over to Cover Critics and find someone to help you get a better cover.