Blood in Black Water: Dissension

Blood in Black Water: Dissension

Why even bother having a cover photograph if you’re going to obscure it?

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2 years ago

I don’t see blood or blackwater. Maybe that’s sparks flying out of the person’s unzipped pants or they re-routed their colon to exit out the front or ???

2 years ago

What the holy hell is that fire-thing meant to be?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Looking at the full 1280×1920 pixel cover image it is … not obvious. It looks to me like a flaming bottle cap floating over the palm of the hand … maybe. All that type over the figure doesn’t help.

2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I did zoom it and look. I cannot tell what it is and it has zippo anything to it. Bizarre, bizarre design choice. One of those author things “but, but, but, the cover’s gotta have this indecipherable doodad, that’s important AFTER the customer has read 95% fo the book!”


2 years ago

🎵Crawling in my skin!🎵

2 years ago

You guys are a joke. There are many books with covers that don’t relate to the books title. Like really? Did you even read the book? Don’t judge it if you haven’t read it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Hmmm….the link to the book returns page not found. Perhaps it’s been unpublished?

I see another Mystery Downvoter has reappeared. Wait, gosh, who can it be?

@Moonhealing–I actually read the first page of the LookInside. It needs a rigorous and ruthless rewrite and while we’re at it–fiction is absolutely not formatted in block paragraphs with nominal space between them–fiction is formatted as first-line indent, no space between. Doing otherwise is not cool or new, or daring, or anything else–it makes it look as though the self-publisher has never seen a book before–and imagine how that looks to a prospective buyer.

(And the hardcover and the paperback have two different covers. The Kindle version appears to have been unpublished, for some reason.)