Anyone else remember “The Anatomy of Sherlock Holmes: Persuit of a Serial Killer (Sherlock Holmes Trilogy Book 2)”?
The cover that used a still from Star Trek TNG episode “Elementary, Dear Data”?
Oh, man, I remember this guy. I don’t think it was here–I think he posted at the KDP forums. I remember posting and telling him that he switched POVs (from first-third) multiple times in the first 5 paragraphs and he abused tenses, too. Wow…coincidences are weird.
Charles Cassady
3 years ago
Hard Case actually had fun reprinting the original Sherlock adventure “Valley of Fear” as if it were a lurid pulp paperback with near-naked dame on the cover. Allegedly no disrespect meant to author “A.C. Doyle”; look it up & decide for yourself.
Anyone else remember “The Anatomy of Sherlock Holmes: Persuit of a Serial Killer (Sherlock Holmes Trilogy Book 2)”?
The cover that used a still from Star Trek TNG episode “Elementary, Dear Data”?
YES, I remember that. As an avid Holmesian pastiche fan, that one still gives me acid reflux. 😉
Oh, man, I remember this guy. I don’t think it was here–I think he posted at the KDP forums. I remember posting and telling him that he switched POVs (from first-third) multiple times in the first 5 paragraphs and he abused tenses, too. Wow…coincidences are weird.
Hard Case actually had fun reprinting the original Sherlock adventure “Valley of Fear” as if it were a lurid pulp paperback with near-naked dame on the cover. Allegedly no disrespect meant to author “A.C. Doyle”; look it up & decide for yourself.