New Covers For Old 2022: Day IX

There is one fully professional upgrade in this batch.


I’m sorry.

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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2 years ago

Well, let’s see…

  • The Crossroads: a lateral move; one negative-filtered image replaces another one very much like it.
  • Destiny of Unspoken Words: probably that “professional upgrade” you mentioned, though it’s a little bland as professional covers for romance novels go.
  • The Uncovered Policeman: pretty much lateral, though the image is at least better centered.
  • Outsourced: another lateral move from “meh” to “meh” in my opinion.
  • Largactyl Shuffle: a slight improvement (because the aspect ratio is no longer distorted), but still nigh-illegible.
  • The King’s Ditch: a lateral move from one dull-as-ditchwater (ha ha) cargo cult template to another.
  • The Courtship of Miss Loretta Larson: another lateral move; same image, different framing.
  • Varonia: a slightly improved version of the same lousy image (which, given the genres that typically use pseudos, probably has casual browsers thinking this is a book about homosexual twincest—which I only know it isn’t because I actually took some time to read the summary on its sales page).
  • Midnight Black: a mostly lateral move from one boring image to another completely different almost-as-boring image.
  • The Woes of a Ginger Named RED: a slight improvement as it replaces a crappy image with a (slightly) less crappy one; still a pretty bad cover, however.
2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Wow, this batch wouldn’t move 2%, in any direction. It’s hard to fathom that people careen from less-than-mediocre to not-even-mediocre, in a “cover upgrade.” And yes, “Destiny of Unspoken Words” does look more professional, but I doubt it’s made a huge change in the click-through. (Well, to be fair, the click-through HAS to have gone up with that change. Impossible that it didn’t, but…man, that pro cover is boring as hell.)