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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

Yet another one of those maddening covers that comes close…and then misses by a mile. Aside from the giant dog, I am not sure how the girl is casting a shadow shaped that one. (Let alone the shadow of the dog, which is certainly not being cast by those headlights.) Why is there a texture on the title? Why is the author’s name handled in a way totally foreign to how the rest of the type is handled?

Oh yeah.;.and cut and paste.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ron Miller
3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

I think that the “texture” is meant to be tire marks, Ron. Quick, call CSI Mountain Town!

Another Bob
Another Bob
3 years ago

Unless you are way the heck up north or high in some mountains that’s a lot of snow for a September day. And a lot of dark, unless that’s the “shadow” mentioned.
Also, to my eye the lady is in a very awkward “running” pose.

Another Bob
Another Bob
3 years ago
Reply to  Another Bob

I almost forgot. was there no attempt made to cut in or fade around her hair? I mean, it looks like a cardboard cutout (which gets us back to her pose).

3 years ago

I see wolfie finally found a better job, and was that their replacement.

3 years ago
Reply to  Invader

I think that’s Shephardie, not Wolfie.