St. Selfie, effectively, by Samsung? I will be fascinated to see if Samsung sues.
3 years ago
Those . . . whatever they are . . . remind me a bit of the dolls in the opening credits of The Parent Trap.
Paul Zuckerman
3 years ago
The JDL designed my cover. With help from Samsung and the Parent Trap. Be that as it may, read what others are saying about The Gospel According to St. Cellfie (or at least the only “other” who matters):
Peeps! Don’t you just love a good biblically political, satirically critical, side-splittingly hilarious and irreverent look at modern dysfunctional culture with a science fictiony bent that’s totally believable wherein a superior entity solves all your problems? If not, you won’t like The Gospel According to St. Cellfie. On the other hand, if you are alive and are paying the slightest attention to anything going on outside your own cranium, you owe it to yourself to read this book because when you are finished, you will realize that not only is everyone else wrong about everything, but you are the only person who has ever lived who knows anything. Why? Because you BYOB. And no, that doesn’t mean you “bring your own beer” or “bring your own booze” to parties and potlucks. It means something entirely different. And if you want to find out what it means, you will have to read the book. Actually, the whole trilogy. (That’s three books, for those of you who are numerically illiterate.) Read them in order. 1, 2, and 3. Birth, Death, and Resurrection. Not 2, 3, and 1, or 3, 2, and 1. And no, Mr. Wiseguy, not 3, 1, and 2. Did I leave out any other unacceptable combinations? If so, feel free to tell your mother how smart you are. I can assure you, she cares.
And so do I! But not for the reasons you might think I do. I’m not your mother. Thank Gort & Himal! Who, or what, are Gort & Himal? you ask. Ah, another reason to read The Gospel According to St. Cellfie.
And I am not going to give you any more info, like a plot synopsis or character descriptions, because this book is something of a puzzle for you to figure out. And as we’ve already established, you are so smart, you don’t need any help. And besides, you wouldn’t want me to spoil the fun, would you?
– Olga Mirth, the most important entity in The Gospel According to St. Cellfie.
Oops. I just spilled the beans. What’s that? You haven’t figured it all out, even now that I’ve identified myself? Well, that’s a relief! On the other hand, perhaps you’re not as smart as I thought you were. But from now on, you are on your own. So get crackin’! Get The Gospel According to St. Cellfie on Amazon today.
Not to mention, I’d expect the JDL over here any moment.
St. Selfie, effectively, by Samsung? I will be fascinated to see if Samsung sues.
Those . . . whatever they are . . . remind me a bit of the dolls in the opening credits of The Parent Trap.
The JDL designed my cover. With help from Samsung and the Parent Trap. Be that as it may, read what others are saying about The Gospel According to St. Cellfie (or at least the only “other” who matters):
Peeps! Don’t you just love a good biblically political, satirically critical, side-splittingly hilarious and irreverent look at modern dysfunctional culture with a science fictiony bent that’s totally believable wherein a superior entity solves all your problems? If not, you won’t like The Gospel According to St. Cellfie. On the other hand, if you are alive and are paying the slightest attention to anything going on outside your own cranium, you owe it to yourself to read this book because when you are finished, you will realize that not only is everyone else wrong about everything, but you are the only person who has ever lived who knows anything. Why? Because you BYOB. And no, that doesn’t mean you “bring your own beer” or “bring your own booze” to parties and potlucks. It means something entirely different. And if you want to find out what it means, you will have to read the book. Actually, the whole trilogy. (That’s three books, for those of you who are numerically illiterate.) Read them in order. 1, 2, and 3. Birth, Death, and Resurrection. Not 2, 3, and 1, or 3, 2, and 1. And no, Mr. Wiseguy, not 3, 1, and 2. Did I leave out any other unacceptable combinations? If so, feel free to tell your mother how smart you are. I can assure you, she cares.
And so do I! But not for the reasons you might think I do. I’m not your mother. Thank Gort & Himal! Who, or what, are Gort & Himal? you ask. Ah, another reason to read The Gospel According to St. Cellfie.
And I am not going to give you any more info, like a plot synopsis or character descriptions, because this book is something of a puzzle for you to figure out. And as we’ve already established, you are so smart, you don’t need any help. And besides, you wouldn’t want me to spoil the fun, would you?
– Olga Mirth, the most important entity in The Gospel According to St. Cellfie.
Oops. I just spilled the beans. What’s that? You haven’t figured it all out, even now that I’ve identified myself? Well, that’s a relief! On the other hand, perhaps you’re not as smart as I thought you were. But from now on, you are on your own. So get crackin’! Get The Gospel According to St. Cellfie on Amazon today.
Okaaaay . . . ::backs away slowly::
I guess that means you’re not intending to read my book. That’s okay. I love you anyway.