Twisted World: A Broken World Novel December 7, 2021NathanCovers5 Comments Twisted World: A Broken World Novel It’s like eating Campbell’s soup without adding water. busybusybusy filteriffic mismatched art styles readability Previous postAmerlee and the Green Void: The Monarch in the Milky Way series Book 2 Next postBad Medicine (The Medical Students Book 2)
Wait. Is it a Twisted World novel, or a Broken World novel?
I eat Cambell’s Soup without adding water. I also eat Chef Boyardee straight out of the can.
I just eat his pasta meals.
Then you’re the target audience!
This cover almost works…but girls who look like that have tended to ignore me all my life, so I must cyberbully it anyhow. Gotta look at the Big Picture here.