That made me curious as to how far back. A few years before I was born, but not by much when it came out (by Pfizer!). I was going to say – what came first, the BETAMAX tapes and players, or Hai Karate?!?
Why is it actually called a “reverse” harem? I mean…we have innumerable other words that have come to include both genders. Why not just extend Harem to it? What the hell, eh?
As it has been explained to me, a “reverse harem” is a group of men, all romantically involved with the Mary Sue female protagonist, but who aren’t competing against each other for her — they’re content to be one of many male companions.
So, in a reverse harem, are the guys interested in the girl, or each other? Because that one is certainly checking the other out.
Either that, or he’s sniffing his pits.
No, no – it must be #HAIKARATE!
That’s going back. My dad had some, along with the Old Spice and the Avon cologne in bottles shaped like cars.
That made me curious as to how far back. A few years before I was born, but not by much when it came out (by Pfizer!). I was going to say – what came first, the BETAMAX tapes and players, or Hai Karate?!?
Easily Hai Karate. Dad used it back in the 60s.He even had the Hai Karate soap on a rope.
Why is it actually called a “reverse” harem? I mean…we have innumerable other words that have come to include both genders. Why not just extend Harem to it? What the hell, eh?
Wouldn’t a reverse harem be a GB?
Boy Toy Joy?
As it has been explained to me, a “reverse harem” is a group of men, all romantically involved with the
Mary Suefemale protagonist, but who aren’t competing against each other for her — they’re content to be one of many male companions.Sure, because we all know how non-competitive men are. Yooooooouuuuuu betcha.
Little naughty, big heart.
I hear there are pills that can change a little naughty into a big naughty.
Seems to be a lot of off-label uses for those horse pills I keep hearing about.