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3 years ago

I dunno, with a few minor tweaks to the artwork and a typography more in keeping with the genre, it ain’t bad.

3 years ago
Reply to  Syd

And here I figured you’d use some sort of font that looked like bones….like John Bones or Skeleton Font or Black Shepherd. {shrug}.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I considered it, but a graphic font can look skewed toward younger audiences and the bones would have given it more horror less romance. Not that my treatment particularly says “romance” but it’s similar to the top returns of a search for “dark romance.”

So quick & dirty makeover just to show the art might not necessarily be for a refrigerator if handled with just a smidge more care.

I really feel like a lot of the covers that end up here were made by people who either didn’t bother checking what is selling in their genre, or did and thought that instead of even trying for that, their “different” cover would be a visual hook.