Magnus Maximus 2: Barbarian Invasions

Magnus Maximus 2: Barbarian Invasions

Even Times New Roman would have been a better choice.

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2 years ago

Heck, it might have even called for Papyrus!

Charles Cassady Jr.
Charles Cassady Jr.
2 years ago

Finally someone comes up with an acceptable Gods of Mars cover.

2 years ago

The Diaper is a lovely touch.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

In the Roman era that warrior’s loincloth would usually be hidden by a pteruges* an armored skirt of vertical leather strips. By his demeanor he was awakened rudely and only had time to grab his sword and shield.

*(had to look that up, high school Latin classes were 1963-64 including The Gallic Wars)

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I’m pretty sure their shields and swords weren’t plastic accessories from Spirit Halloween.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

This cover definitely calls for Times Old Roman.
Or at least Times New Roman all caps.

2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Or Trajan Pro!

2 years ago

I’ve seen that look before: he went poo-poo in his diaper but doesn’t want to stop playing soldier just to get changed. My kid bought similar plastic armor at Dollar Tree just a week ago- though thankfully my young one no longer wears pull-ups, unlike this oversized fellow.