The Well of Thirst: and others

The Well of Thirst: and others

I’m not thirsty anymoe.

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Gary Buettner
Gary Buettner
2 years ago

I almost want to like this one. Almost.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Buettner

It falls into that “Worthy Effort” category. Not to be confused with competently-executed cover design.

Ron Miller
2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yeah. Ian the Cat comes close to falling in that category. I think the cover art that bothers me the most are the ones that come close…but miss.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yep. I wonder if different typography would help it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Snort, oh, BURN!

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
2 years ago

So the well is dry.

Ron Miller
2 years ago

Cover art and “all illustrations” by the author. Sadly, none of the latter show up in the preview…

Charles Cassady Jr.
Charles Cassady Jr.
2 years ago

There ought to be a tag: “Covers unfortunate to have on table when Jehovah’s Witnesses drop in unannounced” But I guess tags have to shorter; otherwise they wouldn’t be tags.

2 years ago

The “Well of Worst!” 🙂