Charisse Tarren and the Black Pendant (A Family Legacy Book 1)

Charisse Tarren and the Black Pendant (A Family Legacy Book 1)

I have a headache; make up your own joke.

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3 years ago

Another practical space opera outfit.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Lousy book covers do feature a lot of impractical spacewear as did pulp magazine covers. For some reason pop culture female spacewear looks as impractical as shorts and halter tops for outdoorwear in snake and tick country.

(The new US Space Force uniforms are practical for everyday wear and utility in a working environment but are catching a lot of Star trek jokes.)

3 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Well, it’s hard NOT to make ST jokes about it, isn’t it? I nearly choked checking them out–at first, I thought it was a send-up.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Funny thing is the diagonal tunic buttons go back to 19th century if not earlier.

3 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Oh, yeah, I know. Any student of history/military history would recognize those, but still…the Rodenberry Empire has a greater reach than “mere” learning. 😉

3 years ago

“Does this spaceship make my ass look fat?”

Well, dear, yes, yes it does.

3 years ago


Plus, missing, one black pendant. ???

Justin Ache
Justin Ache
3 years ago

Where do these people/”designers” keep getting the fake ass CGI people? I’m a full time graphic designer, I wouldn’t have a clue where to get terrible stock people. I get the cut and paste outfits and hair (bad photoshop), but the….base models?

Justin Ache
Justin Ache
3 years ago
Reply to  Syd

Set these websites on fire and I save the internet, got it. Thanks!

3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ache

AFAIK, they are lousy 3-D pseudo-humans. Although, to be fair, I have seen some pseudo-humans that were so good…I wasn’t sure. Truly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I think when a 3D render artist becomes so skilled their creations look good, they are out of the price range of a lot of indie/self-pub authors.