The Legend of Chip: The Legend Begins

The Legend of Chip: The Legend Begins

Chip needs one of these:

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LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago

Something about a legend maybe? It’s unclear.

3 years ago

How much you wanna bet that Chip is the squirrel?

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Sometimes, some crimes
Go slipping through the cracks…

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Looking at that tail, I think it’s a rat.

The cover starts out all right at the top and then the more you scroll down, the worse it gets. Poor Chip. He probably deserves better than that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

Looking at it zoomed, Julie, I think you’re right. Rat, not Rocky. 🙂

3 years ago

Nathan: “Legend of Chip”‘s title doesn’t show up in the sidebar, FYI.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Thank you, snookums.

Ron Miller
3 years ago

The art is really kind of nice…but whatever good qualities it might have had were shot down by the inept typography.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

And the typography isn’t godawful, in and of itself–but as is so often the case, it’s an afterthought. The “oh, damn, I have this great (good) piece of art, and I forgot, I need a place to put the title and byline!” issue.

And if the man and the rat are (presumably) central to this story, why the hell are they so small? urghghghghghg.