Adventures with Apollo: The Cat Who Rules Rooftops September 8, 2021NathanCovers4 Comments Adventures with Apollo: The Cat Who Rules Rooftops Uh… huh. cut and paste instamatic Previous postLove Undeniable (Lords of the Matrix Club Series’ Book 4) Next postThe Little Vampire of Counting House Lane: The Adventures of Trumper Gallant and Bingo Malloy
I always hate to confess to Stoopid, but do you know, I had to look at this thing 3x, before I noticed the bloody cat? That can’t be good.
Those rooftops are brutal turf! This is why we don’t want to let our cats outside. There’s probably a feline version of the Sharks and the Jets, except they can’t snap their paws.
They’d need little wee bandanas for that.
“When you’re a rex, you’re a rex all the way, from your first litter box to your last dying day…”
Lol, good one!