Don’t Get a Job and Punch a Clock. Just Marry Somebody Rich and Make Them Your Bit$$$$h!: A struggling woman who is down on her luck and works two jobs meets a wealthy man she makes live as a woman.

Don’t Get a Job and Punch a Clock. Just Marry Somebody Rich and Make Them Your Bit$$$$h!: A struggling woman who is down on her luck and works two jobs meets a wealthy man she makes live as a woman.

The more you read the title, the less you want to read the book. (h/t RK)

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3 years ago

The more you read the title, the less you want to read the book.

Hence the reason that title is almost completely unreadable. There may be a certain logic in this cover design.

3 years ago

WHERE in the name of all that’s holy, Nathan, are you finding these? Between this one and the sissy f*ggot one…I mean, holy sh*tdoodles!

P.S., brother, have you noticed a certain loginess, (from logy) around the site of late?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Yeah, and what’s weird is, I just–seriously, JUST, this week, doubled my dl and ul bandwidth/speed, so if I’m thinking it’s logy…it’s logy. It should be looking relatively fast to me, now, but it’s NOT. It’s the only thing that isn’t.

Sorry, bud. Hate to be the one that tells you.

That cover, ^, that is truly, truly awful. I trust you’re proud of yourself. And you too, RK! I know you’re the real perpetrator here….

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Oh, snookums….I’ve wondered that for years now….

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yeah, I bet you have. Trust me on this: wondering isn’t necessarily the same thing as truly wanting to know.

3 years ago

I think I saw that title while driving down the highway!

Don’t Get a Job

And Punch a Clock.

Marry Somebody Rich

And Make them your Bit$$$$h.

Burma Shave.

3 years ago
Reply to  red

I was thinking about a rhyme for your Burma Shave adverts and boards, there, but I decided I’d be Banned For Life if I posted it!

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

No punching allowed. That’s RK’s other book.

3 years ago

I . . . I . . . I . . .

3 years ago

Dear God, why oh why did I click on the Amazon link.

Well. Sheer morbid curiosity.

That author photo, tho.

“Enjoying this sample?” NO. It is terrible.

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

Oh man, I really should have checked out the author’s page as well; turns out all of this particular author’s books and their covers are like this one!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

I do hope you opened the Amazon link in Incognito mode.
There are some links you do not want added to your profile.