Crime in the Country: Little Lies Everywhere Book 1

Crime in the Country: Little Lies Everywhere Book 1

Too easy.

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3 years ago

Oh, yeah, bay-beee, because that’s how we all dress here, out in the countree. I always walk along our dirt and gravel roads here, in my pencil skirt and heels.

Gimme a frakking break….

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Well, she could be wearing flats, and have her heels in the bag.

But even the bird is laughing at her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jasini

Well, sure, she COULD, but with her pencil skirt? Sheesh!

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago

Good luck finding a ride along someone’s driveway. Is that Gwyneth’s head in the bag?