Demon Chaser II

Demon Chaser II

Share the cookie, dude.

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3 years ago

Oh, I thought a Demon Chaser was something like a shot of Tabasco whiskey? Or, if chasing after a demon, perhaps a shot of Angel’s Envy?

3 years ago

I must admit that the cover of the first novel in this series amuses me.

But I will also be the first to admit that I am easily amused.

War Goat
War Goat
3 years ago

Chasing demons across the savannah while wearing 6″ stripper heels. Seems reasonable.

3 years ago
Reply to  War Goat

And 50’s era peddle-pushers, with a 90’s-era crop-top. Niiiicccceeee. Let’s not ignore the Farrah Fawcett hair!

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago

which one is chasing the demon? Stripper Heels, or the guy polishing the turd?

charles cassady
charles cassady
2 years ago

It’s like what the stoner kids in Saturday detention might draw during The Breakfast Club.