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3 years ago

Wow. She says that the books are for ages 8–>, but I read some of the LookInside and some of the “humor” is definitely teed up for a slightly older crowd. I don’t mean adults, but…and it goes on and on and on and on and on, as if she’s in front of the video camera, yammering.

She breaks the 4th wall and speaks directly to the reader and then deliberately forgets where she is, wanders off, then comes back. I think she has some ideas that might work, but she desperately, desperately needs a competent developmental editor that has worked in children’s/MG humor books.

I mean, even Harry Potter didn’t get up to 500 pages in his first 8 books, for crying out loud. You speak to 10-12 y.o.s very differently than you do adults, or 8 y.o.s, too. Keeping a 10y.o.’s attention, for 500 pages takes a miracle of writing and even though this is a FYOA book (that’s part of the reason for the length), that’s a lot of pages.

Ron Miller
3 years ago

You ought to read the book’s dedication…