The Magic of Karma: ¿and the [bleeping] Cause of Religious & Political Cults??

The Magic of Karma: ¿and the [bleeping] Cause of Religious & Political Cults??

The chef’s kiss is the small “s” in the corner banner.

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3 years ago

Dear Angry Buddhist,

1 % 0 is undefined. It is not ““. The statement “1 % x approaches infinite as x approaches 0” is not the same thing, just a statement that as the divisor gets smaller, the quotient can be arbitrarily large.

Also infinity is a mathematical concept, not a number. Statements such as “1 % ∞” are as meaningless as “1 % integral.” Again, you can say, “1 % x approaches 0 as x approaches infinite,” but this is simply a short-hand way of saying that bigger divisors will get us arbitrarily closer to 0.


The Even More Ticked-Off Mathematician

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

How dare you use actual math! This is ancient quantum science we are talking about.

3 years ago
Reply to  WarGoat

Like, KARMIC Math, dude! You are too stuck in your societally-defined roles to GET IT.
