The Gryphon Key

The Gryphon Key

“Hmm… Maybe put the hedge in FRONT of the human figures…” (Photobombing gryphon!)

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3 years ago

What, these two are fraternal twins, dressing the same? Is it a club? A restaurant uniform? One real human, one pseudo-human and, as Nathan mentioned, the photobombing gryphon? They just couldn’t resist the cutesy-wutesy stuff around the gryphon’s “ornaments,” am I right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

But I liked the font…I’m trying to be positive here 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Brad

It wouldn’t be bad for an illustrated kids’ book,maybe an MG reader, right.

Charles Cassady Jr.
Charles Cassady Jr.
2 years ago

Gryphon is taking it extremely well that domain has been invaded by kids from those old American Apparel ads.

2 years ago

Not to mention, not to be picayune, but Gryphons will tell you that they don’t use keys. They don’t have opposable thumbs. (Shakes head). Poor maligned Gryphon!