Drowned Beneath a Bleeding Sky July 16, 2021NathanCovers9 Comments Drowned Beneath a Bleeding Sky For those who like a little “good lord” in their “holy cow”… art for a refrigerator instamatic readability WTF Previous postThe Witch of Selvenor: Destiny, Sword, Magic, and Romance (Chronicles of Virgàm Book 1) Next postThe Chronicles of Agartha Series: Book 1 – The Green Boy: Epic Fantasy of Inner Earth
Someone’s hind quarters, but if this is a woman or a pink horse whose front legs have already drowned, I can’t tell.
This is the author’s (and illustrator/cover designer’s) website: https://www.wastelandvoid.com/
Turnabout is fair play, brother. 🙂
This is why therapy is supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL, dammit! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
Pssst…I’ll see you in the LBC-Cover-12-step-recovery-group, after lunch!
Possum on a gum-bush, they do their own tattoos too.
I’m sure it was a perfectly lovely painting before the Earth began migrating toward the Sun.
It looks like a 3 year old did it!