Everything Now: Lessons from the City-State of Los Angeles

Everything Now: Lessons from the City-State of Los Angeles

Wanna hear the worst part? This was published this year by MacMillan. (h/t Curtis)

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3 years ago

$13.99 for the eBook? Certainly has a MacMillan price tag, despite the cover.

3 years ago

No, that’s impossible. That CANNOT be a Macmillan cover. In fact, it’s worse–it’s not Macmillan; it’s MCD, which is an FSG (Farrar Strauss Giroux book.

An LA Times Bestseller.

I have now, finally, seen it all and been well and truly broken by LBC. My faith in bookmakers and humankind is finally destroyed.

3 years ago

I guess MacMillan can’t afford the larger sized photos from the stock photo company, so they picked a few tiny ones, blowing one up so much that it’s blurry. If they are scrimping on the packaging that much, it makes me wonder if they paid for any editing of the text, or was it done by some intern sitting in the breakroom?

3 years ago

Over on the CoverCritics blog, Nathan often suggests to would-be cover designers, “Look at the traditionally published books in your genre.” He may need to rethink that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Not to kibitz, but a black swan is meant to have a major effect on its arena. Damn you for saying it, because now, it might happen.