BLURB: Revelation Antarctica: Quantum vision fired by imagination

As real as you need it to be
– Our moon is an artificial satellite numbing original thought…
– Antarctica is the cradle of humanity pre-dating Atlantis and Mu…
– Parallel realities are fired by imagination to expand our consciousness.

Revelation Antarctica offers a highly personal path towards this key realisation.
Featuring as many fictional AND non-fictional connections as there are stars in Creation.
Echoing Albert Einstein’s assertion: “Imagination is the most powerful force in the universe”.

There’s more, but I guarantee it won’t make any more sense.

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3 years ago

Featuring as many connections as there are stars in all of creation? Given that there are roughly 300-400 million stars just in our galaxy, this book must be really big.

3 years ago

I honestly can’t tell if this is someone who watched too much Stargate: SG-1 and decided to found a religion around it or if this is a brilliant satire filled with deadpan sarcasm.

Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get the “Look Inside” to work. I was really looking forward to “explor[ing] RA’s first 10 insights.”