Escape From Sun City

Escape From Sun City

It was working fine, right up until they added the text…

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3 years ago

What slays me about this one is that out here in The Land of Snowbirds (Phoenix-area, Arizona) we have entire retirement communities (age-restricted, mind you, to 60+) called Sun City or the Sun Cities.

The title of this book flat cracks me up in that context. I have a vision of 3 older gents in a tricked-out Golf Cart, crashing the entry gates….

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

“For months they have kept us from the all-you-can-eat buffet at Golden Corral, but NO LONGER! WE HAVE ESCAPED!”

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

We’re outta here, man! We’re on our way to Don & Charlie’s Happy Hour! (This is a callout to the olden days, when D+C’s used to be the post-retirement Social Security Happy Hour place to be. Free food with half-price drinks. Oh, baby!)

3 years ago

Rip-off of escape from New York!