Guardians at the Wall

Guardians at the Wall

Sky Roman considers you a threat.

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3 years ago

Got to love the scaling here. Even excluding Giant Sky Roman, we have Left Lady walking next to a wall that somehow appears to come up to her mid-calf but at the same time is tall enough to be over the head of squatting Right Lady. All this is happening in front of a wall that appears to be about twenty feet high but ten feet thick!

My favorite part, however, is the little grey thing near the top of the grass on the far left side. Maybe it’s supposed to be a park bench, but I prefer to think that the Stonehenge scenery from the Spinal Tap found a new home.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

Don’t forget the giant Sky Nipples!

3 years ago

I reminds me of that famous attack on titan picture except with a guy in a bad spartan outfit and look like crap